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Proving My Innocence

I have never been one of those people who runs with the wrong crowd, but about six months ago, I knew that I was in trouble. I was with someone when she did something against the law, and it made me a suspected accomplice. I knew that I needed help to prove my innocence regarding the involvement, so I started going through and talking with different criminal attorneys. I was able to find a great lawyer that really understood my position, and he did everything possible to prove my innocence. This blog is all about proving your innocence in court, so that you can move on with your life.


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Proving My Innocence

Search For These Unlawful Things If You Lend A Vehicle To A Friend

by Ray Barnes

Ideally, you'll only ever loan important possessions such as your vehicle to those you trust. However, you may occasionally find yourself trying to help a friend who may not be the most trustworthy individual — perhaps he or she is someone who has had brushes with the law, for example. If you've loaned a vehicle to such an individual and have recently received it back, it's a good idea to thoroughly search through the vehicle to ensure that it doesn't contain anything that it shouldn't. The last thing you want is to get stopped by the police and charged with possessing something that your friend left in your car. Here are some specific things to search for.


If you know or believe that your friend uses or even deals drugs, you should be resistant to the idea of lending your vehicle to him or her. However, if you've loaned the vehicle and now have it back, you'll want to carefully check over the car for drugs or drug paraphernalia. The average drug addict is possessive of his or her substances and isn't likely to knowingly leave drugs in your car, but it's always possible that he or she did so by accident. Baggies, syringes, pipes, and scales are examples of paraphernalia that could also result in you facing a misdemeanor charge in the event that you're stopped for a traffic violation and the officer spots something suspicious.


You never want to end up carrying a weapon in your vehicle without knowing it. This could result in a serious charge and a stressful legal ordeal as you attempt to fight the charge with the help of an attorney. Be meticulous in searching the vehicle for any weapons, especially firearms. Those who carry weapons may occasionally stash them in the glove compartment, under the seat, or in the trunk. Thoroughly exhaust all of these hiding spots before you take the vehicle out.

Stolen Property

Take a look through the vehicle for any property that the friend may have left in it. If the friend forgot something, you can easily return it — but you don't want to get caught carrying around stolen property. Be wary of items that have their price tags on them or items that are hidden. For example, if someone has shoplifted something, he or she may hide it in the car rather than just leave it on the seat. Being vigilant about looking for these things can prevent a charge for drug possession, weapon possession, or possession of stolen property.

If you do get in legal trouble due to the above scenarios, contact local criminal defense attorneys to help you build your case.
