About Me

Proving My Innocence

I have never been one of those people who runs with the wrong crowd, but about six months ago, I knew that I was in trouble. I was with someone when she did something against the law, and it made me a suspected accomplice. I knew that I needed help to prove my innocence regarding the involvement, so I started going through and talking with different criminal attorneys. I was able to find a great lawyer that really understood my position, and he did everything possible to prove my innocence. This blog is all about proving your innocence in court, so that you can move on with your life.


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Proving My Innocence


Essential Tips For Hiring An Amazing Marijuana Defense Attorney

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of needing a marijuana defense attorney, you may have no idea how to choose the best one. Every type of criminal defense lawyer is experienced in defending people who have been charged with criminal activity. In this case, you have been charged with some sort of marijuana criminal activity. Who you hire to represent you can result in either your freedom or time spent behind bars, so choose your defense attorney wisely.

Could California's Recent Marijuana Legalization Impact Your Pending (Or Concluded) Possession Case?

No matter which side of the political aisle you're on, Election Day 2016 brought a number of major surprises -- and while there was a groundswell of support in the Golden State for the legalization of recreational marijuana, the voters' choice to ratify this measure may have come as a surprise to those who remembered the hard-fought battle to legalize medicinal marijuana only a few years earlier. If you've recently been charged with or convicted of the possession of a small amount of marijuana, could this change to state law affect your case?

4 Ways to Fight a Criminal Speeding Ticket in Arizona

In Arizona, criminal speeding is a class-3 misdemeanor, so if you're found guilty, you could be facing jail time, fines, and possible probation. The good news is that there are ways to fight the charges so you don't have to worry about a criminal record, and the best way to do that is to hire an attorney. Here are four different defenses your lawyer can use to defend you in a court of law.