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Proving My Innocence

I have never been one of those people who runs with the wrong crowd, but about six months ago, I knew that I was in trouble. I was with someone when she did something against the law, and it made me a suspected accomplice. I knew that I needed help to prove my innocence regarding the involvement, so I started going through and talking with different criminal attorneys. I was able to find a great lawyer that really understood my position, and he did everything possible to prove my innocence. This blog is all about proving your innocence in court, so that you can move on with your life.


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Proving My Innocence

How Washout Periods Affect DUI Charges

by Ray Barnes

There is typically a big difference in the consequences of a first DUI charge compared to a second or third one. If you ever get a second or third DUI charge, you will need a DUI lawyer to assist you with your case, and one thing the lawyer will evaluate is the washout period in your state. What is a washout period, and how does it affect DUI charges? If you have these questions, continue reading to find the answers.

The Definition of a Washout Period

A washout period, also called a lookback period, is a time period between two DUI charges. The purpose of a washout period is to drop the first charge from affecting the second charge. This period ranges from five to twelve years in most states, but some states do not offer washout periods.

How It Works

When you get your first DUI charge, there is no washout period, nor does it matter. A washout period only matters if you get a second or third charge. If you get a second charge, there is a chance that your first charge will not affect the second one, but it depends on your state's washout period.

For example, if you live in Indiana, you have a five-year washout period. If you got your first charge five years ago, the court would view the second DUI charge as a first charge. The same is also true for a second and third DUI charge. If five years go by between your second and third DUI charge, the court might view the third charge as a first or second charge, depending on the case.

The Benefit of a Washout Period

Having a washout period can help your case, primarily because the consequences for a first DUI charge are different than those for a second DUI charge. When you face your first DUI charge, the court will impose lighter punishments. Each time you get an additional DUI charge, you get stricter consequences.

Because of this, your lawyer will look closely at your record to determine if the washout period exists in your case. If so, the lawyer will fight to help you get the charges reduced so that you have fewer consequences.

Facing a first, second, or third DUI charge is never a good thing, but it happens. If you are facing charges for driving under the influence, contact DUI lawyer near you.
