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Proving My Innocence

I have never been one of those people who runs with the wrong crowd, but about six months ago, I knew that I was in trouble. I was with someone when she did something against the law, and it made me a suspected accomplice. I knew that I needed help to prove my innocence regarding the involvement, so I started going through and talking with different criminal attorneys. I was able to find a great lawyer that really understood my position, and he did everything possible to prove my innocence. This blog is all about proving your innocence in court, so that you can move on with your life.


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Proving My Innocence

What Does A DUI Attorney Do?

by Ray Barnes

If you've ever watched a court drama or anything similar, then you've most likely seen an attorney character defend those arrested for driving under the influence. What those shows typically do not present to the audience is what exactly the DUI attorney does. A DUI attorney will help you or those arrested and charged with a DUI navigate the court system, defend their case, and negotiate terms of settlement or prison time.

Navigate The Court System

One of the most important duties of a DUI attorney is to help their client navigate the U.S. court system, which is frequently more complicated and confusing than what the average person can handle. This can mean navigating bail, rules, and procedures around showing up for court at the right time and place, the meaning of different actions that take place during the case, and anything else you can think of. This also includes filing paperwork that relates to the court case and sometimes paying various court fees. Some private attorneys will pay for these fees upfront, while others will ask their clients to handle them.

Defend Your Case

The next important element of a DUI attorney's job is to defend their client, whether that comes in the form of talking in the court or discussing the matter with district attorneys, police officers, and prosecutors. DUI attorneys will defend their clients by pointing out irregularities in the police report or making evidence inadmissible in court due to improper police activities relating to the collection of evidence or the treatment of their client. They can also use expert witnesses, such as experts in alcohol or forensic scientists, to challenge the evidence collected. Finally, they may use character witnesses to appeal to the jury or the court.

Negotiate Terms

Finally, if the DUI attorney is unable to prevent their client from being convicted, they can serve as a negotiator to better the terms of their client's punishment. This can mean fighting for the punishment to be probation rather than jail time or allowing for earlier parole (as in, earlier release from jail with restrictions) than usual. Frequently, DUI attorneys will attempt to appeal the case of their client at some point after the original ruling, especially if new evidence is revealed. This negotiation can mean the difference between freedom and a relatively normal life.

DUI attorneys are an important part of the criminal justice system in the United States. They help their clients navigate the U.S. court system, defend their cases, and negotiate the terms of punishment and release. If you have been arrested for a DUI, don't try to manage the process alone, and hire a DUI attorney.
